Thanks to everyone who entered our first-ever contest we put on with the wonderful Great Lakes Commonwealth of Letters (GLCL). We're currently going through submissions, and will be notifying the winners within the next few weeks.

We'll then be having a get-together on October 30 at the GLCL headquarters in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where we'll be publicly unveiling the winners, which will then be announced online shortly after.

That following week, the first week of November, we'll begin publishing the winning entries right here on the CP site. Boom. 

RSVP at the above link and if you can, hope to see you there.


Look: We love you.  We love reading and publishing you. But sometimes, you know...sometimes we need to take a step back and just admire what we've done and take some time to reflect. So, we'll be taking a hiatus from publishing stories starting in November (minus the contest winners mentioned above) through early 2016, which means we'll have new stories through October and that's it for 2015. 

We WILL be opening up submissions again around December, and we'll be get back to our normal schedule at some point in early 2016 (stay tuned for specifics).

In the meantime...check out our archives and enjoy what we've done so far. We got a ton of amazing stuff to keep you busy for a long while.


Look, we'll be honest: We're growing. Which is super great. But that also means it's no longer a two-person operation. Yes, we've graduated to a three-person operation. Huzzah.

We are looking to bring on an Assistant Editor here at CHEAP POP. The Assistant Editor will help us mainly by 

  • Reading submissions
  • Scheduling and editing pieces
  • Amping up/taking control of our Social Media presence (especially Twitter)
  • Generating ideas for events, contests...whatever

These are the main things we're looking forwith the social media presence being near the top of the pile, importance-wise—so if you have experience, especially with Twitter, and are interested in joining our fantastic team, do the following:

  1. Send us an email at  with the words Assistant Editor in the subject line
  2. Attach or paste in the email your resume and/or relevant experience
  3. Tell us why we should bring you on and why you'd be a good fit for the team

And that's it. Simple, right?

We're looking to fill the position soon-ish, so our new Assistant Editor can get caught up during this moment of quiet we're having.

Email us with questions. We like hearing from you.